Monday, November 11, 2019

Uniform of the Day

Inspirational song: Thank You (Led Zeppelin)

Parking was a trick at the restaurant. It was partly our own fault for trying to go to lunch right at noon. But there was most likely not going to be a slow time to eat today, no matter when we tried to go out. Sometime in the last decade or so, it has become a common thing to serve veterans free meals on Veteran's Day. That's the reason the four of us were out today, in search of big chicken fried steaks and bottomless baskets of yeast rolls for our military men. T picked us up wearing his navy pea coat and a cap from the submarine he served on. To match him, the Mr grabbed a NATO cap from one of his deployments. They fit right in with the crowd waiting for a table just like us. There were a bunch of gentlemen out with Vietnam veteran caps, and at least one in our line of sight in a World War II hat. If there were women who were veterans at the restaurant at the same time as us, they all must have decided that ball caps were not the fashion choice for the day. They were there incognito.

There was a little bonding going on in the waiting area, and on the way in and out of the restaurant. It was pretty cool watching the guys have a chance to reminisce a little with strangers who have a common history, and take time to tease veterans from competing branches of the military. I see that particular behavior never goes out of style. They did pause to contemplate whether it was appropriate to wish someone a "happy" Veteran's Day. While it's out of place to attach that to Memorial Day, maybe it's not so bad to say that on a day dedicated to recognizing and thanking people who were willing to take the risks and sacrifices these men and woman did for us. It's faster and easier than spelling it out more clearly as "we see you and offer respect and gratitude on Veteran's Day." Quicker to say in passing: Happy Veteran's Day.

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