Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Inspirational song: The Wanderer (Dion)

At this time of year, afternoon sunlight is just brutal for me. The angle just pierces through my brain, if I am anywhere the light can touch me. It has directed my life choices since I was a small child. It was for this reason I was hiding away in my bedroom on the east side of my house this afternoon, waiting for the sun to approach the horizon, so I could emerge and feed my animals dinner. My phone buzzed. From the college, I get a text from the Mr, forwarding a message from the city animal control officer. She had Elsa, and was parked in front of my house to drop her off. Her papa failed to close the gate, and she saw it standing open and went for a walk. She made it three blocks away, to a super busy intersection before someone snagged her. If I understand correctly, someone other than the person who caught her was the one who called animal control. It was obvious she wasn’t a stray. Very few homeless dogs wander the neighborhood in pink fleece-lined coats. I am glad our animal control lady was a good critical thinker, who called us rather than taking her to the shelter. Elsa is an old lady who needs medication at every meal. I would have been hysterical if I had gone outside after sunset, to find Elsa missing and the gate open. I would have had to wait until the next day to see whether she was at the pound. What went through her mind, to leave the yard at dinner time? It was entirely out of character.

With all the commotion, I failed to take a new picture of her. I thought, I'll just pull one from my archives. Only now do I realize she is probably the least photographed of my animals. The two cute ones I found were from 2018. What kind of monster am I? I think I need to step up and be a proper mama. I'll work on expanding Elsa's portfolio starting this week. I'll regret it if I don't.

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