Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Airflow Adjustment

Inspirational song: Breathe (Pink Floyd)

How many days is it supposed to take to get used to a CPAP machine? (I use CPAP as a generic term. It's an adjustable flow, whatever that acronym is.) It hasn't quite been two weeks yet. So far I'm not loving it. I was warned by a friend not to sleep on my right side, to avoid swallowing too much air. Being a side sleeper, it's hard to prevent it all that often. I've learned that if I take the mask off by five or six in the morning, I can get an hour or two on my right side and feel balanced without feeling like a dirigible.

I've also turned the heat way down, which helped some, and things got better when I forgot to fill the humidifier reservoir yesterday, and it ran out at about the same time during the night when I usually struggle with the air feeling too muggy.

Maybe someday I will feel like my sleep quality is improved enough and if I'm really lucky, I'll stop feeling like I'm struggling to breathe at all with the mask on. For now, it's sort of a burden. I hope it gets better.

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