Sunday, January 26, 2020


Inspirational song: Mrs Robinson (Simon & Garfunkel)

There was a candidate’s forum this afternoon, for the seven or eight folks who are running in the Senate primary for Colorado. It was hosted by our local Latinx community, with a focus on issues that affect them particularly. I really intended on going to it, but when I looked up and it was an hour before the doors opened, and I was still in my pajamas, waiting for the coffee that never kicked in to wake me up, I admitted to myself I wasn’t going to make it. Then the most wonderful thing happened. I was scrolling through Twitter, and a notification popped up that one of the political pages I belong to was hosting a watch party to livestream it. I got to see the entirety of it from my living room, sitting comfortably with my feet up, all without having to shower, dress, drive, or be in public. Ain’t technology grand?

There were a few glitches with the livestream. Sometimes the picture froze or the audio cut out. I thought it was my WiFi, until one of the middle candidates mentioned that the feed in the overflow room was glitching too. (Overflow room! There were 300 people in the main auditorium, and a packed overflow room. I’m even more thankful for having the ability to watch from home.) I found a post-it note pad and pencil on the side table next to me, and made a few notes as the different candidates came and went. The one I really didn’t like to start with didn’t make any better of an impression on me today. There was one who just couldn’t stay on topic and answer what she was given. There was another guy who seemed smart but lacked charisma to a degree that I just couldn’t picture him winning. And there were at least three who gave me hope for the future. I went into this torn between two people in the primary. Now I have three or four contenders. I had wanted to view this forum to narrow my choices. Instead I doubled them.

I needed something to do with my hands, since my tablet was on the charger in a different room, and I wasn’t about to multitask on the phone, risking interrupting the stream. I picked up the yarn my older daughter gave me at Christmas, with the implication that it should be used for her niece or nephew to be. (She doesn’t crochet or knit.) It’s chunky chenille blanket yarn, and it’s super soft. I started making the pattern that was on the label, and it was soothing and just engaging enough to keep my mind active while I listened to the speeches on the livestream. I might have to buy one more skein of this color to make a baby blanket, but it will be a neat one. The colors are cool and interesting, and the textures will feel wonderful to tiny hands.

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