Monday, July 1, 2013

What I Needed

Inspirational song: Waiting On a Friend (Rolling Stones)

Today's post is going to be later than usual, past my self-imposed deadline of 8 o'clock. I had an incredibly productive day, thanks to the efforts of a friend. I had been running on adrenaline for the first two months of being on my own, but lately I was teetering on the edge of a depression. The first thing that gets shoved aside during those times is house cleaning. I had no idea how to snap myself out of the funk. Enter the youngest sister of the Bonfire ringleader, who took pity on me, and came over to help me find focus and motivation. Together we completely deep-cleaned the kitchen and made a lot of progress in my living room. It is amazing what that does to a sour attitude. I feel totally different, rejuvenated and re energized.

My man had to sit through one of those seminars at work a couple years ago, the kind most employees feel is either a waste of valuable time, or is a chance to goof off. Rarely have I been the recipient of truly insightful information when a consultant or motivational speaker shows up at my place of business. But this one spoke to him in a way that made sense, and he liked it enough to pass it along to me. To avoid trying to steal this speaker's particular gimmick, I will summarize by saying he impressed upon us the way to get past an emotional or intellectual block, by dealing with the smallest stressors first, in order to relieve pressure and give yourself the ability to tackle the harder problems. I had been standing at the base of a tall brick wall, with no idea how to tackle it. Thanks to today's session, I have already started taking care of some projects that had loomed like insurmountable mountains, even though they were minor in scale in reality. Finally I feel a path is clear, and I have a good running start again. I don't know whether I have completely thrown off the fetters that were slowing me down the last couple weeks. Only time will tell. For sure I'm feeling more capable of conquering them than I was in the last day or two.

In the growing depression, I have taken very few photographs that don't have a certain black kitten in them. So the best I can do is share the sight that greets me every day, no matter where I am. My new little friend, staring up at me, demanding her place in my life.


  1. I was not prepared for the scroll. I looked directly in her eyes on accident. SO CUTE

    1. That little angry Ewok face catches me by surprise all the time. And you wonder why I'm keeping her?

  2. I wish that I was able to come out to you for a time... This 'homelessness' is sending me into withdrawals! I miss our workshop and keeping things ordered!

    1. Oh, seriously. Just come one out already. If you wait you'll be too busy to come. There is no time like the present (especially since we won't be here forever).
