Monday, November 23, 2015


Inspirational song: A Spoonful of Sugar (Mary Poppins)

The test is in exactly nine hours from the moment I start to write. After being sick for two days, and spending today sleeping and lying about in my jammies rather than studying, I am oddly calm. I believe in my heart that my instructor was good at his job, and he prepared me well for the exam. I will most likely miss a handful of questions I ought to know, and I'll have a one in four chance of getting the right answer on some I just never studied. But I'm confident that I will do well, getting enough to pass the test. And if I don't, I set myself up well for a retake. I have plenty of time to take it again before January first, when all of the new financing laws and closing procedures go into effect and the test changes. I got this. And if it turns out I don't, I have time to get it. I'm chill.

Speaking of chill, while I sat in my basement watching Comedy Central and coloring in my design books, it appears to have dusted a little bit of snow outside. I'm still new enough at this to be thrilled with it. It's supposed to snow some on Thanksgiving day, but I haven't heard threats of a new snowpocalypse yet. I do kind of want one really good deep snow to play in this year, just because it has been so long for me.

There is no reason whatsoever for tonight's song. It's literally the first thing that popped into my head as I climbed the stairs. I think I've officially lost my mind.

Tomorrow's a big day, for me and for other members of the Smith Park West household. Watch this space, and think happy thoughts for us.

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