Sunday, November 8, 2015

End in Sight

Inspirational song: It's the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) (REM)

I hate looking up at the clock and realizing the entire day has gotten away from me. Today was a homework day, and a day to watch the Broncos' unbelievable Luck come back to bite them (pun intended). So much for stumbling into wins. I'm taking a lesson from it, and wondering how long my charmed test-taking skills are going to last. There are three classes left before the final, and then within a few weeks, I take The Test. I am more than a little intimidated by it now, more than before I studied a word of this subject. I have so much reading to do before I take the test, and I'm running out of time before I want to make my first attempt. But it is nearly impossible to maintain focus when I'm still moving in and getting set up in Park West. I want to do things like make bookshelves and hang art, but class comes first. It ends in less than two weeks, and I intend to devote myself to finishing strong.

I'm alone for a few days. I wish I could have gone along on the trip with Mr S-P, but obviously I have other obligations. He went to retrieve his project Jeep from the body shop where it has languished for nearly two years. It's kind of a sore spot with us that it has taken so long even to get to this point. It's not repaired, it's not repainted. It was supposed to be complete 14 months ago. It isn't. After having all of the rust sandblasted off of the tub, in anticipation of the holes having patches welded on, and uneven spots Bondoed smooth, it sat in the South Carolina weather, loosely covered with a tarp, for a full year. Only in the last month or two were the welds done. No primer was applied to the body to protect it. What makes me most angry about it? My man prepaid a ridiculous sum for work never done, when he dropped it off two years ago. I am far less trusting than he.

He is spending the week at Bonfire Gardens, and that's the part that makes me jealous. BG is going away, with a sale of the property closing in a week. The man arrived last night, near the end of the De-Warming House Party at Bonfire Gardens. Another piece of my South Carolina world is ending, and I hate it. But the Bonfire Leader's life changes too, and she's going through a major shift. It's rough for her now, but already she seems stronger and more hopeful when she tells me of the future. I'm never going to give up trying to convince her to move out here, even though she has repeatedly told me it will never happen. Maybe if I'm lucky she will move within a day's drive of me. And I mean one Anne's day of driving, not one crazy Mr S-P fourteen hour day long haul (like he does going back and forth to SC). Unfortunately that tops out in the middle of nowhere, six or seven hours in any direction from here. I doubt she could recreate her beautiful, lush gardens in the Utah desert. She might as well fall off the ends of the earth, and then try to grow flowers there.

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