Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Flying Colors

Inspirational song: Hope for the Future (Marillion)

Who's a test-taking champ? This girl!

I paid attention for ten weeks in class, I did all of my homework without fail, I took practice tests, and I read dry state-published manuals even when they were the best sleep aids in existence. And then I got sick and spent two days in bed or lying about the house under blankets, unable to focus on study while my head was pounding and a fever faded in and out. I read almost nothing yesterday, but I wasn't worried. I had an excellent instructor who had prepared me well, and I knew my material.

This morning I got up early, not knowing what morning traffic would be like in downtown Fort Collins, and I padded my commute by about 30 minutes. I arrived with plenty of time, and was able to relax and chat with other soon-to-be real estate agents in the waiting room. The testing room was warm, as happens with that many desktop computers churning away in a small space, and it was noisy with fans and clicking sounds. I was offered foam earplugs, but that would have been physically uncomfortable for me, so I passed on them. As it was, the fever and headache were still on my periphery, and their intensity increased as the test went on. I had the opportunity to stretch my legs and take a break up to the half hour I had left available between the national broker exam and the state version, but I was already feeling so crappy by that point, I just pressed on so I could be home that much sooner. I didn't get to see the score for the first part until I was done with both sections, which was fine with me. There was very little math on my version of the test (the questions are somewhat randomized, so my classmates may not have the same experience), but a lot more on the ins and outs of the contracts than I was ready for. I found myself facing a choice of two equally likely answers more often than I cared for, knowing I just had to guess.

But apparently I am a really good guesser. Out of 80 questions on the national exam, I missed 3, and out of 74 on the state exam, I missed 5. That came out to roughly 96 and 93% respectively. I had a chance to speak with my instructor this evening, and he asked whether I bared passed or passed with flying colors. When I told him my scores, he said that counted as flying colors, and he didn't seem surprised that I had managed it. That made me happy, even as my stomach bug was still keeping me from actually jumping for joy.

So from here I still have many steps to go to be an active agent. I'm waiting for my background check through the CBI, and I need to find an employing broker willing to take me on. I have a plan of action underway in that regard, but I won't talk about that now and jinx it. For now, I'm going to relax and enjoy the holiday this week, and worry about employment once December rolls around.


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