Friday, November 20, 2015

The Cold, Hard Ground

Inspirational song: It's Too Late (Carole King)

It was a Park maintenance day, and a study day, and not much else. We realized that we had left all those flower bulbs we bought recently in the dining room, near the heat register, and they were in danger of sprouting before they were planted. The real cold weather was bearing down on us, and we were running out of time to dig before the ground froze. We also had two trees who needed permanent homes, so we layered up and went outside to stab the ground with shovels. The front yard now sports a dormant cherry tree, a teeny-tiny spruce tree, and a random smattering of daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, and crocus. I promised the spruce that I would leave it alone this year to get settled, but next year it is totally fair game for Christmas lights. 

I made it through almost half of the four bags of flower bulbs before I was completely over digging in the sticky, wet soil. I came inside to study, and spent the next seven hours trying to apply myself to practice exams online. I'm still stuck right around 88-89%, but you know what? That's a passing grade. I need to apply myself to studying regulations, commission positions, and fines still. I'm great at theory, but since I don't plan on cheating -ever-, I am having a hard time remembering how big the fines are for which transgressions.

While I sat, test taking, next to the front window, the fifty square foot single pane of glass started to fog over and sweat into the living room. I couldn't see outside to know what was happening until after full dark, when I got up to peek. Finally, after all of my whining, I got the snow I've been demanding. When last I looked there were between two and three solid inches of snow on my cars and lawn. So I'm doubly glad we pushed ourselves to plant today. Another few hours and it would have been too late.

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