Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Gusty Winds

Inspirational song: Roll Me Away (Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band)

It is amazing the things that you forget when you move often. I spent four years in sultry South Carolina, and I totally forgot that winters out west mean biting cold winds and tumbleweeds. Today was the first real high wind day I'd experienced since we left eastern New Mexico years ago, and as we drove out of town, I was startled by my first sight of a tumbleweed darting in front of the truck. It was quickly followed by several more as we drove south into the western Denver suburbs, and there were thousands more stuck in barbed wire fences all along our route. A few years back, there was such a buildup of them in the New Mexico town we'd left, that we saw photos on national news sites of people's houses completely blocked by walls of them as high as the eaves over their doors. I hope that this year's wet spring doesn't mean we'll see that sort of thing up here this winter.

The winds were so bad, an old friend of mine in Boulder narrowly missed having his car crushed by a streetlight that blew over and crashed into the street. His car was parked on the street, and he came out to find it blocked off by caution tape, with the pole on the ground pointing towards his trunk, and the light assembly smashed about four feet behind his car. I'm glad for all involved that there was no property damage, or worse, personal injury.

After spending all day out and about, I struggled to refocus on my studies. I finally found the state-specific information I should have started reading weeks ago, and now I feel dreadfully far behind the power curve. The exam date I paid for is six days away now, and I gave away six or eight good studying hours to go play in the wind. I'll go up for the study session with my classmates tomorrow, and hope that I can cram in all the info for the Colorado test before I need to head up that way. My dreams of blowing away the exam first time through are feeling pretty pie in the sky right about now.

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