Friday, November 9, 2018

Face Time

Inspirational song: Poker Face (Lady Gaga)

First things first, to follow up on yesterday's cooking experiment, the pho broth was significantly improved by sitting overnight, and being reheated for lunch. The only thing I added was time. I feel like I've learned several valuable lessons. Most of them revolve around "patience." I will apply them next time.

I was invited to a food drive social this afternoon. It was a chance to network with some folks in my industry, and I had been looking forward to going. Then I spent the day fighting the nervous tic that wears me out, and I became less enthusiastic about being anywhere. By mid-afternoon, I was exhausted, but I still pushed myself to show up. (Apparently driving there, I passed Mr S-P on the street, but I was so miserable, whining to the steering wheel about how much my body hurt, that I didn't notice him. He said he could see my face, and could tell how I felt.) I'm glad I went, though. I saw several rotary friends, and met another agent who told similar stories to mine about being a military spouse, traveling all around and having to reinvent her career at each stop. She asked me if I'm getting "itchy feet" again, now that he isn't active duty anymore. In all honesty, I sort of am. I swear I am not going to move again, but I do need a change. I'm going to do a little updating to my kitchen soon, and I'm seriously thinking about painting at least one room, maybe two. She laughed and said that she paints frequently, to fight the desire to find a whole new house. She totally gets me.

I had to give up on the food drive early, partly to conserve energy, partly because I had a second event I needed to breeze past. I only needed to show my face for a little bit, and I made it about 10 or 12 minutes, near the end of its run. The group I volunteered for last weekend had organized an impromptu protest downtown, along with almost a thousand other groups around the country. I said hello to the LAD leader I interact with often, participated in about three chants, and took a couple of pictures. The guy behind me had a sign that simply said "I am upset." Lots of us are. We are watching, and waiting to see what happens from here.

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