Saturday, November 10, 2018


Inspirational song: All Star (Smash Mouth)

A bunch of us got together to watch a movie from 2001 tonight. Honest question: during that time period, was it a requirement in order to receive funding that Smash Mouth appear at the end of your film, to sing their stupidly ubiquitous hit? They certainly showed up in this one, and no, we weren't watching Shrek. We watched Rat Race. Also, much like it's jarring watching certain scenes in Love, Actually, that could never occur in post September 11 life, there was a lot in this one that seemed quaint and archaic. Midway through the film, two brothers of shady character drove up to a fence at McCarran airport, snipped through a chain link fence, and drove their truck right up on a critical piece of air traffic control equipment. It was merely a gag then, unlikely but funny in a farcical way. These day, those two would have been arrested at gunpoint before they finished cutting a hole in the fence big enough for them to drive through. There was a lot to laugh at in Rat Race, but throwbacks like this just weirded us out. My, the world has changed.

It's such a good thing that the only outside commitment for today was movie night next door. I've worn myself out from dealing with the constant muscle spasms in my neck and leg over the last two days. I'm never still, except when I crash in the afternoons, my energy stores suddenly depleted. I've added to the motion now. After the contraction that jerks my head around to the right, I often rock my head around a little, to stretch the muscle back out and soothe it a little. I look like a particularly unimaginative comedian doing a poor Katherine Hepburn impression. It adds to the energy consumption and multiplies my embarrassment when it happens in public. I poked around the Google a little more, and thought I'd come up with a better medical term to describe it than myclonus. I was almost certainly wrong. I skimmed over a few articles on dystonia, specifically cervical dystonia, and thought maybe I was onto something. Then the last one I'd opened had a video of people going through it. Not even close. So I am back to square one, not knowing what's happening here.

I checked my recent photos. Apparently the only new thing I took all day was a screenshot of a tiny house in Boulder that had been for sale. Built 70-80 years ago (I didn't check exactly), 1044 square feet, listed for $825,000. Ah, Boulder. Never change.

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