Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Splits

Inspirational song: Give a Little Bit (Supertramp)

We all knew it was going to be a long night. I am somewhat surprised at the races called early, and I'm surprised by those taking hours longer than usual. It has been a give and take sort of night, for all of us. Government will be split after this election, in a way the pundit class correctly predicted. I am both hopeful and crushingly heartbroken. I'm confused, and angry, and selfishly gleeful, all at once. Weirdly, as the results come in, I know less about how the next day, week, month, and year will go. I must admit, I was freaked out, thinking all hell would break loose before I even poured my first cup of coffee on Wednesday, but I really didn't know what factors would cause it. I'm looking at the clock now, and it's a few minutes to midnight. There is still time for a lot of drama to happen between now and that cup of coffee.

I probably need some sort of sleep aid to calm down enough to tune out what's happening on the news. I'm sneezy and itchy enough that a Benadryl might do the trick. Rabbit is so over me playing the TV loudly, when she wants to be out cold on the fuzzy blanket. If nothing else, I'll kill the lamp and turn the sound way down, so she can ignore the TV. Not sure I can do the same.

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