Sunday, December 2, 2018

Low to High

Inspirational song: Big Yellow Taxi (Joni Mitchell)

I went on a brief vacation to the 1990s this morning. Well, not a vacation, per se. But definitely a visit. The funeral for our old friend was today, and by the time we arrived, the service had already begun, with standing room only in the hallway and ante-room of the chapel. This friend was part of our "club" that meant the world to us back in the day. So the scores of people who poured forth from the chapel after the service were folks we haven't seen in 20 years. Memories flooded us. Faces we never thought we'd see again smiled at us. Other faces that we should have recognized, or should have recognized us, glanced blankly in our direction, scanning the crowd for people they remembered better. Thankfully, I saw several of these people over the last two Independence Day parties, else I would never have known who they were. As for the others, it sure was nice to get a chance to hug my past and greet it gently, even if it was under painful circumstances. I'd like to catch up with them at another time that didn't involve tears.

Following the service, there was a wake down in Boulder, but although I was in Boulder, I couldn't go. The Mr went for both of us, and by the time I heard from him, he said he talked himself hoarse. I shudder to think what all he said in five hours. I'd have a leg to stand on to complain, however, only if I hadn't spent five years unloading my life a page at a time every single night. I just hope whatever he told them wasn't too embarrassing for me.

Before I knew the funeral was scheduled for today, I had accepted tickets to the basketball game at CU. Knowing that Mr S-P isn't as interested in the sport as I am, and then learning that there would be a wake this afternoon, I asked my foster daughter to go with me instead. She told me that she had only been to high school games before today. For her first college game, it was a good one. It was close the whole time. We got to cap it with a Buffs win, too. What a range of emotions for one day, from where it started to where it ended.

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