Thursday, December 27, 2018

Taking Notes

Inspirational song: The Typewriter (Leroy Anderson)

Over the last couple of months, I've had plenty of time to think about what to tell the next-level specialist I'm supposed to see tomorrow. I've had to decide what's relevant in my medical history, what's tangential but maybe of interest, and whether to note dates of milestones (births, surgeries). Yesterday I finally started putting pen to paper. I filled two and a half sheets of paper, front and back. I'll spend the rest of the night until I sleep typing it out and editing it down. I want to be thorough, but I'm afraid of overwhelming the new doc with superfluous details. If his eyes glaze over and he stops listening, I'll never find out what's actually going on. He'll dismiss it and I'll be stuck. That would be the worst I can imagine, so I need to make this a compelling read.

It would make it all easier, if I had a clue what was causing this latest set of symptoms. Then I could point to medications I took, or accidents I had, or diagnoses as they came along. Unfortunately, I'm guessing about what is related. As I told my brother-in-law at Christmas, I can figure out correlation, but I have no idea about causation. I'll do the best I can.

There will be no photos of the finer details of my history, so I'll take the easy way out. Here are the boys next door, swearing up and down that they already did their business outside, even though I never witnessed it. Whatever. Go to bed, pups. I'm heading that way soon, too.

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