Monday, December 24, 2018

Movie Break

Inspirational song: One More Sleep 'Til Christmas (Muppet Christmas Carol)

This morning I watched a movie I've known about forever, but never actually watched. Partly inspired by seeing a trailer for a biopic coming soon, and partly from hearing my whole life how much my mother loved the Laurel and Hardy movie Babes In Toyland, I watched it when it was on AMC. I even backed it up, having initially missed the first 15 minutes of it. I might not have understood it as well as I did, had I not gotten the intro. This is not to say that I really grokked on it. It was just freaking weird. It does not hold up for the modern ethos. Lots of casual violence, lots of sexism. And I don't know what it was about animal costumes from the 1930s, but holy moly, those are the stuff of nightmares. Now I need to re-evaluate what I remember about old Stan and Ollie. Maybe that biopic needs to go on the want-to-see list.

Speaking of movies, we went to the first of what I hope will be a barrage of winter break movies last night. There are tons that I want to see, and we started with Welcome to Marwen. Five stars, would watch again. No, the military man next to me wasn't 100% satisfied, when it started with an airplane with Flying Tigers nose art that didn't fit in what he remembered as their timeline. I ignored him, recognizing immediately that it was starting with an animated sequence. The movie didn't always go in directions I expected, but it was fun being surprised. If you're looking for something to see on the break, this is worth your consideration. (Not necessarily for the youngest of kids, even if it does look like Barbie dolls. Caveat emptor.)

I am completely out of spoons. I spent every minute of today working on my gifts. One has to be punted until later in the week. I finished two of them completely, and two are... um... drying. (I don't think the recipients are reading me lately, but just in case.) I am a little woozy from fumes. I wasn't able to step away long enough to shower until 11 pm. Now that I finally took care of that, I'm barely functioning. I plan on finding a Christmas movie to leave on the TV to fall asleep to. I don't know what it will be. If I'm lucky, one of my favorites will be on somewhere (hello, Muppet Christmas Carol or White Christmas, are you listening?) but at this point I'm not ruling out a Hallmark or Lifetime movie. As long as there are sleigh bells and songs in the background, I'll be fine. I'm going to be sleeping through it anyway.

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