Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Un-Boxing Day

Inspirational song: The Boxer (Simon & Garfunkel)

I admit it upfront. I was obnoxious. Ob.Nox.Ious. I have been nagging the family about wanting an Instapot since late summer. I thought someone would get the hint to get me one for my birthday, but apparently they were better at ignoring me than I was at dropping hints. For Christmas, they banded together and got me one, possibly just to shut me up. Although, it does benefit the group, because I am strongly inclined to feed everyone, usually at least once a week. I told everyone yesterday that I intended to go out and buy a pot roast today, and I followed through on my promise. I had no idea what I was doing, and we had a late-afternoon/early evening trip to Target that delayed my start time, so it was a little stressful when we pulled it out of the box and jumped in with our first recipe before test-firing it. Still, we managed to cook a roast with potatoes and carrots, and a reduction glaze, and it was fantastic. I have a gluten free cornbread mix in the pantry, and a drawer that holds a few varieties of dried beans and peas. I think beans and cornbread are on the menu for tomorrow.

While we are caring for the dogs next door, we had the idea that our regular game night shouldn't be missed, even if it isn't for D&D. With permission, we held our game in T's living room, so the boy dogs could run around and have human companionship. This way Hops doesn't have to spend as much time in the kennel. Barley is doing better, now that the bandage is off of his ear, but Mr S-P took him to a checkup this morning, and they want him to keep wearing the Cone of Shame. Poor guy. He has busted that thing up so badly, trying to tear it off. It's ripped in a couple places. The boys had to go outside while we ate the pot roast over there, but otherwise, they had lots of company. We played a brutal screw-over-your-buddy sort of game, where everyone is a super-powerful wizard with a goofy name, and you create spells to take away as many points as possible to kill all the other wizards. I didn't pay attention to the name, but I'll try to find out and pass it on. It was fun.

Now, when exactly did I go to Target? 5:30 on the day after Christmas. So it's to be expected that this is what I saw there. The retail cycle moves on.

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