Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Okay, Look...

Inspirational song: Can You Picture That (Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem)

It happens every day, without fail. Someone picks on Rabbit, because she's old and not interested in being the alpha of the Pride. Somebody chases her across the house at least twice a day. She's feeling much better than she did over the weekend, but she's agitated all the time. We decided to give her a couple more days before we took her back in for a follow-up, now that the swelling in her face has gone down and she's eating so well. But her eyes are still dilated, so we pay very close attention to her every twitch, to make sure she's still progressing favorably. She spends all day making meaningful eye contact with me, like she is right now. She's so focused on me, she doesn't notice the Murder Floof who glares at her jealously all the time. Some times I'm afraid to pet Rabbit, for fear of the inevitable lunge from Athena, who can't stand the idea of sharing my love with anyone, especially that old cat standing in her way.

We had our group photo at Rotary today. It's been a while since being in a crowd made me agitated, but it sure did today. I was surrounded, standing basically in the exact center of the crowd, after we had carefully sorted ourselves based on height. I wanted to lean, cross my arms, tilt my hips sideways, or just sit down. But I couldn't, for the half hour that it took to get us lined up and posed, and to take about 15 shots so we had the best chance possible for everyone to have their eyes open and to be looking in the right spot.

After Rotary, I met the family at a coffee shop, to catch up with one of our best old friends who used to live in town, who moved away months before we got here in 2015. We had a wonderful visit. From what I understood her to be saying, she's in a good space emotionally and physically. While we were talking, I looked out the window of the coffee shop, and I swear I saw Stan Lee getting out of a car that had just pulled up. I know what you're thinking. Stan Lee is no longer alive. Well, look at the pictures, and you tell me who you think that is.

While I was making dinner, the Mr read something off the internet (yes, dubious source that I did not verify) that the Aurora Borealis might be visible as far south as my northern Colorado community over the next week. That would be fun, I said, but we are in such an extended cloudy and cold period that we wouldn't be able to see it anyway. As if to punctuate my assertion, as he drove off to his side gig, he texted back to me that it was snowing again. I haven't built up the nerve to look out the window to see whether he was right. I'll just take his word for it.

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