Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Inspirational song: Bark at the Moon (Ozzy Osbourne)

Crap, crap, crap! Y'all, nothing is going right, all of a sudden! It was such a pleasant day, too, until the last half hour. It was cool and rainy, and I didn't try to do too much, until the very end.

I put together a couple of paintings, trying a third time on the little 5x7 canvas, with a selective swipe method that I had watched my favorite pourer do online yesterday. It looked okay, and I set it on the most level surface I could find to dry: the floor. I then made another one, on a bigger canvas, with all the colors I had left. I tore up a card that came in the mail, and swiped in from the edges into the center. Made a bit of a muddy mess in the very middle, but was still bright with some good movement around it. I have something to work with here. Then I closed off the craft room and we finally went to see Endgame.

We got home in time to eat dinner before heading next door for D&D. The gang has started singing, "This is the game that never ends" in relation to this campaign. We have been in the "final" location for months. Some nights we literally don't move 70 feet. We had two encounters, and my character did what she thought was clever, that made things a little difficult at first. But then a magic user (our chaotic druid "Sally of the Fields") summoned a pack of wolves, and they pulled the floating monster down through the whirling cloud of daggers I had placed around it, and the battle ended. I was glad it wrapped up so suddenly. Five minutes earlier I had remembered that tomorrow is three medical appointments, the first being meeting my new primary care doctor for the very first time, and I never filled out the new patient paperwork I had brought home more than a week ago. I needed to bang out this post and then devote the waning hours of the night to that paperwork.

When I got home from the game, I found that my craft room door was open. Some naughty cat had pushed it open and gone exploring. I found the little canvas knocked off of the supports it was on, sideways on the grocery bag where I left it, with all of the paint run off of one side. I can't freaking win with this one! Tomorrow I'll scrub it down a little better, but for now I just left it on the drip tub to dry. I'm so mad.

I want tomorrow to go much better. New doc scares me a bit. But I can do this. I have to. I need a referral to the radiation oncologist, and it has to come from her. In the afternoon, I see the physical therapist again, and I can show off how much more normal my range of motion is compared to last Friday when I met her the first time. And then the really bit visit, the oncologist who will have the results of my Mammoprint. This should tell me whether chemotherapy will be of value, or not needed at all to keep the wolves at bay.

Before swiping.

Where I stopped and set it over a grocery bag to dry.

Colorburst with every bit of paint I had mixed up in the last three days.

How I found the little one at the end of the night. Crap.

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