Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Resume Activities

Inspirational song: Stepping Out (Joe Jackson)

Recovery keeps going along at a hearty pace. I am feeling less pinchy pain, especially as some of the steri-strips are coming off (the big incision still has two solidly attached). Everything was itching like crazy yesterday and the day before, and stinging just a bit. I've applied a generous amount of antibiotic ointment (the kind you get at the grocery store), and it has knocked down most of the discomfort. There's still an area that can best be described as a "corner" that doesn't feel like it's healing as well, but I think it's under control.

Now that my surgeon has encouraged me to resume activities as they seem possible, I've gotten excited about getting out and being active. Unfortunately, the weather hasn't cooperated with me. It has been cold and rainy for two days. So I found a work-around. Yesterday I spent about two hours wandering every aisle in Target. It wasn't really cardio, especially because I stopped to read a ton of labels and try to mark things in my mind that I might go back and get later, if I can. But it was motion--walking, reaching, lifting, bending. I felt better doing something. Today I needed a nap after staying up way too late last night playing a game, and then I went to King Soopers to get milk for a recipe I'm planning for tomorrow. I did the same thing as yesterday, going up and down every aisle, back and forth across my store. I put a few more things in my cart than I should have, on both days, but I insist I showed remarkable restraint overall.

It should dry out and warm up over the next several days. While at Target I picked up some new sneakers, to replace the worn-out ones I wore to build the cabin on the mountain last summer. I'd like to do some walking in a place where there's not a check-out register at the exit, like maybe around the park near my house. I also am starting to make decisions about how to rearrange the front garden beds, to get rid of the creeping bellflower (apparently called Rapunzel in old German?) and provide some air to the overcrowded beds. I'll start by moving the hostas to the north side of the house, to reduce how much sun they get. I might even get to that by Saturday, if I'm really feeling frisky.

I'll try to be good about taking pictures, too. Today, I wasn't out much, but I made a special trip out across the muddy back yard, to take a picture of the tulips over Bump's grave. That will be good place to start when I'm ready to do yard work, to get in there and weed. I feel like I owe it to him and to Zoe too keep that area well.

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