Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Face to Face

Inspirational song: I Kissed a Girl (Jill Sobule)

That was worth waiting for. Holy cow. That gorgeous little human is going to be around forever, and I could not be happier.

The kids came home from the hospital this afternoon. My little girl said she wanted chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and cream gravy, and green beans for her first meal at home. I threw in a cheesecake with strawberries, and brought the whole shebang over this evening. I started cooking mid morning, and took two breaks to have online meetings, and I think I put too much in one small day.

My daughter looks good. She was getting around better than I would have expected. I even got to see the incision in her belly, which appears to be sealing up well. She's walking a little hunched over, but considering the shock to the body that a c-section is, any one of us would do the same. 

I had two chances to hold that bundle of perfect. I gave her up after a short cuddle, thinking she was ready to eat, so I got up to put dinner on plates for the adults. After dinner, I sat and watched Grandpa get his first cuddles, and he was a pro. Valerie was so relaxed against him. A little later I got belly time, but I think her ear was too close to my mouth. She jumped a couple times when I talked. I need to be more conscious of that in the future. There will be so many more days of snuggling to come, we will get a routine down.

1 comment:

  1. a little more perspective of size when you see her with Grandpa. Weight and length???
