Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Inspirational song: Symphony No. 1: In Memoriam, Dresden, Germany 1945 (Daniel Bukvich)

The tiny princess got to ride in the car again today. She needed to go get weighed, to make sure she hadn't lost too much since birth. (Newborns often do that. Gotta watch 'em.) I received pictures and a short rundown of the trip. The primary takeaway was that she was zonked out the whole time in the car. I suggested that she inherited that trait from her auntie. I never met a kid who could fall asleep in a car faster. (Makes me anxious every time she does cross-country drives to this day.) 

I said that in a group chat and the car-sleeper agreed. She said it's the note the engine tunes to, generally a rumbly G, that puts her out like a light. She told me of a symphonic piece they performed in band in college that was a musical interpretation of the firebombing of Dresden during WWII. The tubas sustain D and G, and it sounds just like a bomber engine. She sent me a link and it was eerie. She said even rehearsing that piece made her sleepy, just like riding in a car.

Today was yardwork day. I used up all my spoons on mowing the front grass while the Mr kept going on building another raised garden bed. I tried to help back there too, but I wasn't good for much other than fetching and carrying by that point. I learned that I'm still terrible with a garden rake. I tried to level piles of dirt as needed, but wow am I untalented. It's all built, though, and tomorrow, in between doctor visits and baby snuggling, I am to go plant green beans and okra. I just hope this year they grow unmolested by an old black Labrador who likes to graze.

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