Sunday, September 15, 2013

Panic Packing

Inspirational song: Season's End (Marillion)

I confess, I almost forgot to do this. I have been trying to get to all the preparations I left until the last minute (like you do). I got my spare room and master bathroom essentially clean (close enough), and my bedroom, well, I'm just not going to stress over that. I got the dishes done and the laundry finished, and I think I have managed to pack the most important things I need. I tried to eat up as much of the fresh food in the refrigerator as I could stomach over the last couple days, so hopefully I won't come home to green slime. I took the vacuum to my suitcase, to remove most of the white cat hair, and had to scoop the old man and the needy favorite off of it repeatedly to keep them from refreshing the coating. And I have been in touch with as many people as I could remember were owed a call. I don't think there's any more I can do from here. Tomorrow starts the real work.

My kids' Facebook activity let me peek into the attitudes of current students, regarding the situation out there. The university has decided to restart classes tomorrow. I saw a very eloquent post from a student who rightly pointed out that although the rushing flood waters are receding, now is the time when the true impact of the disaster will be revealed. The cleanup is barely beginning, and there are still hundreds of people whose whereabouts are as yet in question. It is foolish to imagine that there will be no further casualties. Roads are still closed, and in many, many cases, they are completely washed away. For students who live in the dorms, it may be possible to reach their classes on foot. But it is entirely unfair to students who live in town or in the surrounding county, or whose parents are locals who have been affected. I'm very upset by this decision, and I don't have an active student there anymore.

My daughter sent another group of photos, some of which seemed blurry when I viewed them on the phone. I will post them anyway, as well as the faces of my needy girls who have already figured out I'm running away to play matriarch, and sort out the crisis.

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