Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sleep Disturbance

Inspirational song: Play It All Night Long (Warren Zevon)

Apparently it is too much to hope for a night of uninterrupted sleep in a house with this many animals, but last night was beyond the pale. It was still full dark when the sound of a crash jerked me out of a deep sleep. I had trouble piecing together exactly what I'd heard, but it sounded like a shelf full of glass (or worse, pottery!) had fallen off the wall and taken out a handful of knick knacks on the way down. I suppose the fact that neither dog woke up to bark was enough to assure me that the perimeter defenses of our house had not been breached. That, and ever since the Minions of Chaos knocked the pottery Green Man masque I made off the wall, shattering it and my laptop, the dogs try to stay clear of any situation where they might appear culpable. So, without fear or modesty, all I grabbed to investigate were my glasses and a pair of slip-on shoes (expecting shattered glass). In hindsight, perhaps a robe would have been a nice addition, once I had all the lights on across the ground floor.

When I walked into the kitchen, I found a miracle had happened. There was a stack of last night's dinner dishes and flatware rattled but unbroken on the counter, and a single Pyrex mixing bowl upside down on my kitchen rug, entirely safe. The crash was so loud, waking me and filling me with a sense of dread for what pieces of my art were broken, but this was all I found. I couldn't believe my luck. I cut off all the lights and stumbled back to bed. Of course my stress hormones were still high enough that I couldn't go right to sleep. I tried to read a couple emails. I sure hope I didn't try to answer them. 

I dragged my tail all day today. I felt like I had a hangover, but I didn't get to enjoy a nice scotch and soda to earn it. I didn't do a damn thing that was interesting all day. Ran errands, bought food, talked to both kids on the phone, and didn't come up with anything newsworthy. It's at times like this that I just flash a kitten picture and run away. Look over there! Is that a kitten trying to kill two hair ties at once?

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