Saturday, September 14, 2013

Wanting to Help

Inspirational song: Fire Water Burn (v. Bloodhound Gang)

Day number three in the holding pattern, waiting to be able to fly out and help my kids clean up after the flood. It's very frustrating having to stay here and do little. We have gotten word from the homeowners association that they upgraded their flood coverage recently, so there is a chance we won't be paying out of pocket to replace carpet, and maybe baseboards, drywall, and insulation, depending on how long it was soaked. Our building sits on the highest point in the complex, and the units just a little downslope from us were completely ruined. I have no doubt that the contractor the HOA hired to evaluate the damage will come to us last, as they should. I am completely conflicted about how to proceed because of that. The kids have been battling the water valiantly, using wet vacs to get the carpets as dry as possible in their bedroom and the living room, but they haven't gotten far in the second bedroom. It's still very wet. In the back of my mind, I kind of wanted them to leave it damp, so it molds and the insurance covers replacement, but I don't want mold spores in the whole unit. I am afraid of how much water is trapped by the baseboards, and worse, soaked into the insulation, or seeping in from the saturated exterior. It will be days, maybe weeks, before the full extent has been assessed.

I am glad to know that I'm not alone dealing with all of this. I mentioned that my dear friend who is my younger girl's godmother came through with lodging, and today she provided fans for the condo, plus the evaluation of someone who has experience with home ownership and care. Another couple, the friends I bunk with when I visit (so often that I keep full sized toiletries there so I can fly without restrictions), came through with a second wet vac, and more advice. And my brother volunteered to come out and apply his years of experience in the building trades to helping us with repairs. It doesn't hurt that he wants to move back out there, and this gives him a chance to get a feel for the feasibility of that. On top of this, I got a phone call from another friend offering a place to stay, if I didn't already have one. It helps knowing the support system is so strongly in place, and that those close to me are paying attention and care about us. I hope I can find ways to return the favors.

I got a few photos from my daughter this evening, of the refugee kitties and of the drainage ditch behind the complex running lower than it was (but still high). And the late report from them is that pulling back the carpets revealed wet tack strips and soaked pads. Despite their efforts, we are not going to be able to save the flooring.  I have made peace with this. Now the battle switches to saving the furniture. This one will be difficult. I wish I was there to help already.

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