Monday, December 30, 2013

Behind the Scenes

Inspirational song: Rocky Mountain High (John Denver)

I've been in preparatory mode for a few days now. I have projects to finish, and nesting to do. I can't say that I am the most interesting woman in the world right now. In fact, I suspect that if I were to cop to my neuroses, I would discover that I am the most average woman in the world. I have procrastinated, and let a few things pile up, and now that the man is due for his vacation soon, I'm realizing that I need help getting the house ready. I talked to someone on the phone this afternoon, who will come by tomorrow to give me an assessment and estimate for a day of cleaning, so naturally, what did I spend my evening doing? Cleaning up the house so that she doesn't come here and see just how bad it was. I mostly organized and filed my papers that had stacked up, which I wouldn't have anyone else do, and ran the vacuum a little, but the point remains. Even though I did a little panic tidying, I'm sure a stranger with a critical eye can come in here and instantly pick out all the things I've lived with for so long I don't see them anymore. I hope I can afford everything that needs to be done.

I have been trying to finish a handmade gift, and it is so close to done. It's something I started long ago, and to have it complete will feel incredibly freeing. I'm feeling good about how it looks, too, plus I have figured out how to make it a functional piece of art, rather than something that will have to compete for wall space. I wish I could show a picture of it, but as I said, it's a gift. Even though the holiday gift exchanging season will be officially over by the time we all get at it, I'd still like to pretend that surprises are welcomed.

I can't pretend I'm not getting ridiculously excited about the man coming home soon, and our upcoming vacation back home. I'm trying so hard not to overload him with plans and projects. He needs time to decompress and get reacquainted with all of us again. But lots of requests have come in for audiences with his grace. There's a lot of scheduling that has to go on behind the scenes, so we don't double book or make too many demands. I don't want to insult anyone by denying them access, but there is only so much time to go around. I hope he gets to rest at some point during the vacation. Just not on my time, right?

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