Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Less Humbuggy

Inspirational song: Christmas Wrapping (The Waitresses)

For all that I intended to entirely skip Christmas this year, I have participated in a lot more holiday festivities and traditions than I expected. I have bought a few presents, when I thought there would be none. I replaced the batteries in the color-changing ornament, so I can have a few dark nights with twinkly light. Every year my man buys evergreen wreaths from an old friend whose kids sell them for fundraising, I think for a scout troop. He had her send me one, and it's up on the wall in my living room, and already has been a source of intrigue for a pair of naughty black cats.

Today was another holiday event with the club. Every year we solicit donations of cookies and snacks to give to servicemembers: home-baked for locals, and packaged goods for those who are deployed. They are packaged up, along with cards signed by local schoolchildren, some of them hand-drawn cards. We spent the morning assembling and preparing to send them out. My self-appointed job on the assembly line was Ribbon Cutter in Chief. Each little box of cookies and cards was wrapped with curling ribbon and marked with a sticker with the club's name. The community support for this event every year is overwhelming. We filled 500 box lunch sized boxes with homemade cookies and cards, and I never heard the final count of the big cardboard boxes to be shipped out, but I saw a lot of them lined up as I was leaving. I have to say, trying to stick with a decision to be wheat-free, while surrounded by the smell of a roomful of cookies, was a serious challenge. There was a bowl of broken pieces just taunting me. But I was strong. I didn't sample a single bite. 

I still haven't had any eggnog yet this year, not even an eggnog flavored latte. It's just a matter of time. My humbug is running thin.

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