Thursday, December 12, 2013

Stitch in Time

Inspirational song: Obsession (Animotion)

Oh, right. This is why I had to stop sewing all those years ago. Because when I get into sewing projects, I binge on them until I burn out. Did I learn my lesson during my long hiatus? Oh, don't be silly. Of course I didn't. Since yesterday, all I could think about was how I have been wanting to get a quilt for my bed, to replace the comforter that is so heavy when I put it in a duvet cover that it makes my feet hurt. I could buy one at Target, if I could force myself to part with the money, but it wouldn't mean a whole lot. Or, I could try something I've never done before (or at least not since grandma let me play with those one inch by two inch polyester rectangles), and make my first homemade quilt. No, I have no idea what I'm doing. I stood around flipping through the books at the fabric store. Eventually I found a magazine with a pattern for a chevron quilt, which is what I wanted. I studied the process, made a couple notes on the palm of my hand (block sizes), and I have been cutting little squares ever since. I decided against a rotary cutter. The mats stink and there is a greater chance that I would end up slicing off a kitten paw than not. She is fascinated by the sound of the scissors in the fabric already. I had to take the safer route.

I have no idea whether this will work. I might make half a set and decide I suck at this. I do have a history of sewing by the seat of my pants, rather than measuring and adhering fast to the mathematics of patterns. But maybe a handmade quilt can survive my art-over-science process. If I love it, there will be pictures to follow in future days. If I hate it, this will be the last you ever hear of this. Place your bets.

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