Friday, December 6, 2013

Resetting My Schedule

Inspirational song: Touch Me (The Doors)

Now that I have dates and am counting down in anticipation, time has slowed to a crawl. I'm waiting for news this month, and each day is taking an eternity. If I could just spend the next week or so asleep, I would happily sacrifice all the days between now and then. I have a lot of volunteer work to do next week, so I don't have the luxury of being in a self-induced coma while I wait for news. But what I can do instead is try to reset my sleep schedule, that has been so out of whack for months. I believe that I have the ability to fall asleep at a normal time this evening. I owe it to myself to make the attempt.

As if waiting for decisions to be made, that are completely out of my control, isn't hard enough, I now have a firm date for when the man will be home for his first vacation. My patience will be sorely tested over the next several weeks. It has been seven months now that his job has kept him away. That is a long time to go without basic human contact. I have a regular massage therapist I see monthly, and a friend at Bonfire who jumps me jokingly every time I see her, but beyond that, I get nothing. I am considering researching psychology journals, to see how long it takes for humans to revert from domesticated to feral state. I think I'm just about there.

Time to hit the reset button. Sleep in 3..2..1..

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