Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Inspirational song: Waiting on a Friend (Rolling Stones)

My evening didn't end like I expected it to. The man and I, plus two of our closest friends and three of our favorite dogs were all perched on the stoop outside our temporary apartment, waiting for trouble to move out of our atmosphere. There has been a resident in a neighboring unit who apparently lives for malice. Once she knew she was on the way out of here, she has been sabotaging the entire complex, and we think (knock on wood) that we might finally be rid of her. She has cost tens of thousands of dollars in damages, mostly payable to plumbers. I don't understand what goes through someone's mind like that, thinking that flooding apartments of people who lack the means to go elsewhere is an acceptable way to act out your anger, but this one decided it was her chosen form of protest. I try not to think so negatively about people, but I can't help thinking good riddance to bad rubbish in this case.

I almost wish I were still out on that stoop. We don't have air conditioning in this apartment, and until a few years ago, you really didn't need it in Colorado. It is sweltering this week. It's humid (compared to usual standards) and I think being a mile closer to the sun is making it all seem so much more intense. I have felt like I'm in the middle of a three day long hot flash. We went up to Boulder to get some paperwork we needed to process the mortgage for Park West, and we stopped in to the condo for a dip in the pool while we were there. After about fifteen minutes in the water, while I was still overheated in the sun, the clouds rolled in, and for the first time in days I felt almost chilled. It was glorious. I wish I could have stayed at that temperature the rest of the day. But no, I'm back in the brick oven, thinking fondly of a cold shower. 

I went to downtown Boulder for the first time since we returned. Yep, it's still as weird as ever. Mr S-P said, "no matter how weird you think someone is, they are never the weirdest person in Boulder. There's always someone just a little more odd." We saw the usual assortment of hippies and freaks, but nothing too bizarre. I think the strangest clothing choice I saw today was a young, fairly handsome man wearing tan knee-length shorts and white tights underneath (like the kind we girls all wore to church in the early 80s). It wasn't until we were driving away that we saw a vehicle that just about made both of us shake our heads in wonder. I only caught sight of it in peripheral vision, but the man saw it full on: a bicycle that was actually an elliptical trainer on wheels, pulling a low-slung trailer (which I thought resembled a razor scooter as it disappeared on the other side of the car). Mr S-P said the guy was probably in excellent shape, but was that really any faster than walking?

We tried a new restaurant while we were there, and it was as Boulder as it could get. The drinks were all filtered through Rose Quartz, because it was supposed to be harmonizing or something Boulder-y. Whatever voodoo was in it, the bourbon, ginger, and magic potion made a hell of a good martini. But really, a 100% gluten free restaurant and I still had to order a bunless burger. I can't win. 

I'm off to find a cool spot. Maybe I'll sleep on the tile floor next to the cats tonight.

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