Saturday, June 6, 2015


Inspirational song: Whiskey (Hoyt Axton)

I stood in the wreckage of my piano bar, swaying loosely on my feet, and stared at a green object. Slowly I recognized it as a small bottle of Sprite, that had sat for years in my liquor cabinet, which had long since been carried out to the Uhaul in my driveway. When I drummed up the energy to speak, I said to MacGyver, "I see old Sprite. You know what goes with old Sprite?" "I'm guessing old whiskey?" "Yep. And there's a bottle behind you that appears to be of legal drinking age." He wouldn't let me open the 21 year old Bushmills, but he was totally fine with us making a little more progress into the 12 year old Bunnahabhain. I will accept that compromise, on the grounds that adolescent Scotch dulls pain just as well as that which has reached legal majority.

This has been an exhausting day. We "slept in" until 8, and haven't looked back since. We cleaned, packed, moved, endlessly in cycles all day. The Bonfire kids all showed up late afternoon to do the heavy lifting into the truck, and we could not have survived the day without them. All the big stuff is down, and most of it is out. I ran in thirteen directions at once, trying to pack multiple boxes while simulaneously answering all their questions and providing everything they requested. The cats were locked in the guest bedroom while they were here, helpfully removing the old carpet pad for mommy. When I let them out, they ran around, asking me who stole all our stuff. You would think Alfred would be happy that we moved the piano and found the nest of all of the mousie toys he had been missing. Instead, they have been giving me soulful, accusatory stares and meowing.

The man is continuing to play tetris, but I am done for. It took me five minutes to walk out a leaf to the table when he asked for it, and another five to coordinate the huge task of turning around and walking back through the garage to the house. I have a couple lap blankets behind me, and the couch is staying behind with me for the next week. I have just enough juice left to put these two things together and check out for the night. Maybe I will recharge and be ready to play this silly game over again tomorrow.

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