Friday, August 7, 2015

As I Was Saying

Inspirational song: Homeward Bound (Simon & Garfunkel)

You know those memes that circulate on the Internet about real friendships that can pick up after years' worth of absence like there was only a brief lull in conversation? I'm living that right now. I'm at the home of a friend I haven't seen since my junior year in high school, and it's going so well, it seems like it's only been a couple of days since we were last together. Except we have so many stories to tell, and more wine to drink than we had access to as teenagers. We are going way past just reminiscing about the old days of going to the ice cream shop that had the epic video game arcade, or of sneaking out for some underage drinking, and getting to the meat of how our lives have developed over the decades. I need this more than you could ever guess.

I decided to travel light on this trip. While I solved most of the problems I was having with getting photos to upload (I had to break down and resort to cloud technology), I didn't bring any sort of computer with me other than the tiny one that fits in a pocket. So while I am taking a healthy assortment of photos wherever I go, none will be uploaded until after the trip. If that doesn't sit well with you, might I suggest you have a word with the folks who do the programming for the Blogger app, and see whether they can catch up to the latest version of Samsung phones? I'll wait while you have that chat. I'll just be over here hoarding my pictures, waiting for a Monday release.

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