Monday, August 3, 2015

Too Close to the Sun

Inspirational song: Doctor, My Eyes (Jackson Browne)

I don't know why I imagined that after twenty years of being away, only coming back to Colorado two or three times a year, I would readjust to this area quickly. It took me at least four weeks to stop gasping for air when I walked across a parking lot. I was promised a mild summer, but what I got was the sensation of living on the surface of the sun. I can't stand for the daylight to hit my body directly. It burns me up from the inside out. I can only relax in air conditioning, and then only if I am away from direct sunlight streaming in windows. Was it ever this bad when I was in college? I used to stand outside for hours, walking all over town, going to thrice-weekly marching band practice, spending all day Saturdays in Autumn in the direct sun at the stadium. I don't remember ever struggling this much with heat. We have taken to hanging out in the area I'm turning into my next piano bar, where we have comfy chairs and plenty of electrical outlets for our toys. Tonight I asked the man, why exactly are we up here and not down in the basement where we know it's cool? The only reason he could think of was a lack of plugs. Pff. I have a power strip right here next to me. We should migrate down. Tomorrow. Tonight I think we both need an early bed.

I had to drive today, a couple municipalities over to my bestie's house to watch her kids while she was gone. I thought it would be pleasant to be out and about today, because it was overcast and less oppressively hot. I thought wrong. The gray skies might as well have been brilliant white snowscapes for as badly as they were burning my eyes. I bought new glasses right before we left Charleston, with transitions lenses so I would have prescription sunglasses here when I needed them. The joke was on me, they don't change to sunglasses in the car. I will still need to get a second set just for the car, that are as dark as those wrap-around glaucoma glasses my grandfather used to wear. I'll never survive the first winter otherwise.

I'm getting very frustrated with my methods for sharing photographs. I upgraded my phone with the express intent of making blogging easier. It has made everything a thousand times worse. Now instead of an okay camera that just has a handful of pixels burned out in the same shape as the birthmark on my shoulder, I have a camera that takes gorgeous pictures and a blogger app that refuses to find them on the same device. Last night I totally froze up the phone by trying to send five emails to myself, one after another, all of which had three or four photos each. It totally hung up and couldn't do a thing. I waited for over an hour for two copies of the first email to hit the same account that sent it, just so I could transfer photos to the laptop and post them. I gave up on the other four, until morning when I finally saw them in my inbox. There has got to be another way. Surely I'm not too old to figure out bluetooth or some other beaming function that will work between the two devices. If nothing else, I have children who can help me with that, right? I will sort through yesterday's pictures to see whether there was anything worth showing, a day late and a dollar short.

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