Saturday, August 15, 2015

No Self Control

Inspirational song: More, More, More (Andrea True Connection)

We had another first today. First time at a farmers market in the middle of this heavy of a concentration of organic farms. To say we went a bit overboard is putting it gently. We walked the entire length of the market before we started buying, and that was great for not having to carry a bunch of stuff. It was not so great for meandering slowly as the heat built over one of the hottest days of the season. And the first thing I bought at the far end of the strip was a heavenly Camembert cheese. I have to hope that it survived the long walk back, stopping at all the booths who gave out the best samples to make my purchases. We sampled wine in three different places (and bought in two, took a card in the third to go to the source and buy a case). I tried to imagine such an occurrence in the dry county where I grew up. It might happen now, but it certainly wouldn't have when I lived there before. We came home with seven bottles, but I promise, some of them are gifts.

I have been on a mission for months, trying to find a new lemon verbena plant to replace the one that died last winter. I think it dried out more than froze, back at the Park. It was in a coconut husk planter hanging off the deck, so it was easy to kill when I got sick and didn't concern myself with watering last winter. In two states, I have searched every herb seller I passed, and never found a replacement until today, near the end of the growing season. A woman had two giant ones in terra cotta pots, and a couple smaller ones in nursery containers. I almost cried, I was so happy. I love using lemon verbena in salads and in omelettes, especially the former, and I have missed having it handy. I am going to plant it in the back yard (after the worst heat passes this weekend), probably in the bed with all the sage and strawberries, and hope that it survives the winter out here. I may mulch it to keep it protected. I will be crushed if it doesn't make it, after such an epic quest to find it.

As autumn nears, I'm starting to see a lot of signs pop up for roasted chiles. I have never bought them before, and I have been very tempted to do it now. But I learned recently how easy it is to roast my own, and after finding a "stuff this bag for 10 dollars" farm stand, I loaded up on enough to give it a whirl. It is supposed to be much cooler on Tuesday, possibly not cresting 80 degrees. What better time to practice roasting them, and mix up a giant pot of pork green chile. Too bad I didn't also find a seller of tomatillos at the market today. There are stores practically around the corner who will sell them, but I have to find a little self restraint, so I don't end up coming home with more than we can eat. I'm already running out of fridge space.

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