Monday, October 5, 2015


Inspirational song: Yellow (Coldplay)

We have a deadline now. We had stopped unpacking and organizing the inside of the house for a while, but now we are back on hyperdrive. We invited the family over for a dinner, in just under two weeks. Now we really have to put things together. I have to stop walking past things I had been letting slide. Like putting away the half bag of non-clumping kitty litter than the next door neighbor left in front of my house, thinking he was doing me a favor. (I suppose it will come in handy for traction in the snow this winter, but that's all it will be good for.) I've been blowing off finishing cleaning and organizing my dressing room for a month. Time to finish that too.

I got the man's buy-in on my color choice for the kitchen, and bought paint over the weekend. I put on the first coat of lemon custard yellow in half of the kitchen before class tonight. The other half is covered with cabinets and copper tile, so it makes my job that much easier. It definitely will need a second coat. I'm not sure how darker colors do better than pale for coverage. I can see all my roller marks when I look at it. I still like the color, but the kitchen felt a little bit closed in once it had yellow walls. I will wait until the fridge and microwave table are pushed back into place before I decide that for sure. Not like I am going to change it now, though. I'm somewhat committed to it.

The man has spent the bulk of his day working on our theater room. I say that like we have more than one TV space in this house, but we don't. While we have the ceiling torn out of the basement, it seemed to make sense to hard wire in a surround sound system. Once upon a time we had a multi-speaker system, but wires were running all over that room. It was a cheap, unreliable system too. We bought a new one that probably isn't any more fancy, but it's newer, and we hope that it will last a little longer than the other. Once the ceiling is insulated and sheetrocked, we will paint the walls a nice, rich burgundy, something that belongs in a theater. Fingers crossed that we can get it done in the next week to ten days. We've done projects this big in so short a time before, but it is yet to be determined whether we have that big of a fire under our butts this time around. Photos as they become available.

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