Tuesday, October 13, 2015

In Space

Inspirational song: Starman (David Bowie)

I'm enough of a music geek that I get very excited when one of my favorite songs appears in a movie. I tried to be quiet, only mouthing the words as I sang along, so I didn't disturb the strange man who sat to my left in the theater. (The strange man to my right has known me 28 years. He knows I compulsively sing along, all the time, to everything.) The kids recommended that we go see the Martian and we just got around to it tonight. That was a good suggestion. I enjoyed the story, while not letting myself worry about whether the science lined up or not. I refuse to nitpick something that drew me in well enough to stop thinking about real life for a couple hours.

I'm really bad about finding ways to waste whole days when I have a firm deadline. I couldn't find motivation to do anything before noon but to sit in front of the television with a cup of coffee, while I burned through things on the DVR. I felt guilty enough about it after lunch to open up several boxes into the craft cabinet, to put away multiple loads of laundry, and to attempt to make sense of my sewing desk. Athena was there to keep me humble and not make too much progress. After hours of work, I'm not sure it looks like I did anything. I had to give up and go to a movie. My dignity demanded it.

The family will be over this weekend. Being family, they would forgive us for not having the place entirely finished yet. They're all familiar with project houses. But it would be nice to get the place clean and pretty, all the same. Maybe tomorrow I can pull my head out of the clouds.

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