Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Elementary Education

Inspirational song: ABC (Jackson 5)

Want to feel humbled? Sit down and do long division for an hour when you're tired. My phone and iPad were on chargers upstairs, and I was just too tired to try to move and sit by one to do my homework. It took some doing, but my longhand math was right all throughout. Unfortunately, in one of the problems I put in the incorrect variables, so I did miss that one. Meh. My homework is self-graded. The only way it will negatively affect me is if I make an ass of myself and admit it on Thursday in class. I don't see that happening. We have our second mid-term. Plenty of other opportunities for self-humiliation (when we go over the questions that everyone missed).

I woke far too early to be studying this late at night. I dropped my car off at the dealer early this morning, so they could fix the side mirror that dangled and wiggled as I drove all along the highway to the dealership. To date this car has been relatively inexpensive. I haven't had to pay for much beyond patching tires after I drove over nails. This is our first real spendy day with the blue bullet. I had to leave my little car with strangers overnight, and I don't like being parted from it. But I can tell you that trying to drive with the side mirror flopped over on one side like a cat begging for attention makes driving in heavy traffic much more difficult than one would expect from the mis-alignment of one small reflective surface. Boy, did I need it over the last few days.

I'm going to keep all my pictures from today under wraps until later in the week. They're part of a multi-stage project, an epilogue from early this summer. I'm telling the story of someone else's triumph. You'll like it.

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