Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Subject Matter

Inspirational song: Legend in My Living Room (Annie Lennox)

It was rather humbling, watching television while I waited for inspiration on a topic about which to write. I watched South Park for the first time in months, and there was a two-story (or more?) arc about pretentious people believing that their social media lives are actually important in real life. Watching the citizens of South Park all stuck up their own rear ends thinking that being Yelp reviewers made them powerful and revered reminded me why I generally don't talk about being a blogger. I am painfully aware that I am working on a small scale. If I even ranked on the celebrity scale, I'd be somewhere around the M or N list, forget A or B list. It would be lovely to have a big following, but I'm realistic and not terribly vain. Back when I started this a couple years ago, I spent a lot of time reminding myself that I was teaching myself to write daily in order to build discipline and skill, not with the expectation of instant fame or respect. I don't know whether to laugh snidely at those episodes of South Park, thinking of how many people act in just that way, or to take the criticism to heart and temper my own ego. Or maybe there is a third option, and I act just like the targets of their satire, blissfully unaware of my own mediocrity, plugging away at my computer night after night. I might choose that one.

I don't know where topics come from every day. Unless I have a really big event going on around me, I honestly don't know what I'll write about until about 10 at night. When I set myself up to do this every night without fail, I didn't understand that the biggest challenge of all would be coming up with hundreds of topics. I've repeated myself a few times, and I know it. But what would you do? I've done this over 915 times now. I'm giving myself a pass for telling a few of the same stories over again, like an old hack of a comedian telling the same few jokes or an aging rock star still dressing up in denim and leather and spikes, and belting out my one heavy metal hit from 1983 in crappy little dive bars for the rest of my life.

Most of the people who read this frequently know me pretty well. Perhaps I should put out an open invitation for prompts. Feel free to drop hints like "Remember that time that you said something stupid in (x situation)?" Even if I were just confined to my own malapropisms, I could find another 900 nights' worth of blogs. That would be worth it.

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