Friday, April 8, 2016

Getting Busy

Inspirational song: It Can Happen (Yes)

I'm starting tonight's blog while stuck at the office. I'm on a tight deadline, and I can't walk away for another 45 minutes. But I also can't move forward without authorization from the key folks in this deal. I had another one of those "jump in the car and let's light this rocket" days, but it has suddenly started to look like we are scrubbing the mission. If we can't coordinate with the out-of-town buyers in time, this deal will be off. Not to say there won't be others, but it was really exciting for those few hours when it looked like we were a go on short notice. That's twice this week I've gotten supremely important practice writing offers, but I'm feeling like I'm now 43 minutes from missing out for the second time. I'm not discouraged. Quite the opposite. It feels like this is all finally very real, and I'm feeling like I could be good at it. Yes, it was just one week ago today that I was in my bathrobe most of the day, feeling like I was never going to succeed, and I was never going to have the health and strength to get here. But today I have energy, minimal pain, and the courage to go on. I don't use the word "empowered" much, but it's how I'm viewing myself right this very moment.

While I was still at home, doing the computer legwork with this current client, I looked outside the window, as Mr S-P drove up. All I could see inside his truck was a wall of shrubbery. I laughed for a solid two minutes, because I knew when he left he told me he was about to go do something very stupid and dangerous (go to a garden center or two alone and unsupervised). Three tall lilac bushes followed him home today. They just hopped into the back seat of his ratty old 4Runner (yes, I know, he and my older daughter think that car is "vintage" and "cool") and demanded a permanent spot on our property. He also dug out all the containers full of plants we tried to over-winter in the garage. We had about fifty percent success with those plants. Maybe once they get some serious direct sunlight, the outlook will improve, but at least a third of everything is out and out dead. We will be doing a lot of transplanting and cleanup over the next week. We still have a few bulbs that didn't go in the ground during the cold weather. I hope they still take.

In the middle of the last paragraph, I was told to throw in the towel and go home, but once I arrived back at Park West, someone performed CPR on my dreams. There is still a chance we could get an offer submitted tonight. I'll be up late either way, to be available no matter what the choice is. It's a good thing I prefer non-traditional working hours. It's time to be busy.


  1. Glad you're feeling better Anne! We will get together soon - Deb

    1. For sure! I need to teach you all to play mah jongg too.
