Monday, April 4, 2016

The Magic People

Inspirational song: Help Is On the Way (Little River Band)

Remember yesterday, when I said that there was a person at yesterday's open house who filled out my feedback form saying that what she liked best about the open house was me? Well, guess who decided to make an offer on the house, and asked me to fill out the contract? The nicest woman in all of Larimer County, that's who! She told me yesterday that I made a great first impression, and while I was at home today wondering whether she would accept my invitation to come to our brokerage volunteer project in two weeks (just so I could spend more time with her), she was thinking to herself that the realtor they used before is doing just fine professionally, and they were willing to take a risk on an obvious newbie. I think I bounced in my seat as I drove the entire way back up to the office this afternoon, giddy at the idea that I was right not to give up last week when I was so desperately out of spoons and out of hope.

This couple is fully aware that there are a ton of offers on the place for them to compete against, and I have no way of knowing where we fall in the range of offers currently on the table. I mean really, it is my boss who is the listing agent so I actually know the person who does know where we stand, but legally we cannot collude or share privileged information, so we are both following the rules. (What can I say, I've always been a rule-follower. I'm terrified of doing anything wrong. Too late to change that now.) So to the best of my ability, I've filled out the contract on my own, hoping that I got the dates right and the right boxes checked. Even if we are miles off of the highest or best offer, this has been a massively important learning experience for me. And having to do it on my own, since the boss couldn't work over my shoulder on this, it was a trial by fire. That's the method that seems to serve me best when I'm learning, like the time I was a barely-trained education counselor, left all alone over the semester break to get hundreds of students signed up for their tuition assistance while the seasoned professionals were all on holiday. I'm having just as many panic attacks over this contract as I did that January trying to learn the ins and outs of tuition assistance on the fly. And don't get me started on not signing up for my DocuSign account until this evening. It may just be the death of me yet. I will master you, DocuSign peculiarities. You cannot defeat me and my client, much as you may try.

I can't fully express how much I like this couple whose contract I just submitted. They have that magical quality about them that truly good people radiate. They are the kind of people that Mr S-P and I aspire to be, when we find someone who needs our help and is worthy of our efforts, and so we do everything we can to support them. Finally, I was so fortunate to be on the receiving end of this kind of beneficence. I intend to do everything in my power to prove worthy of their favor. I recognize what a huge gift meeting them has been. I probably won't sleep tonight, worried that I messed up the contract somehow, and it will set back what could be a spectacular friendship.

I have few new photos today, because I spent nearly 8 hours in a panic, racing to the office, filling out the forms, signing up for expensive accounts (worth it), and then racing home to finish up with all my copious notes from class. I'll just share the one from before I left, when Alfred was too hot to be in the sun, but determined not to go back inside while he had the opportunity to be out.

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