Thursday, June 16, 2016

Other People's Fun

Inspirational song: Scenes from an Italian Restaurant (Billy Joel)

Time was I could spend all day playing and not pay for it afterwards. That time is not now, however. One quick drive into the mountains, hopping out of the car a few times without a hat, absorbing scandalous levels of UV radiation through the car windows, and that was it. I felt broken today, and I know exactly why. I woke feeling like my hip was on fire and I couldn't face the day. I needed a muscle relaxer and a whole lot more sleep, so I made sure I got both. I didn't become human again until one or two this afternoon, and even then apparently my vitals weren't all that good. I had serious bradycardia all morning (47 beats per minute for a while) and low blood pressure all afternoon. So all of my living today has been vicariously through the words and pictures of others.

My daughter is on the vacation she was planning when she came to me last week, asking for a costume to wear to an event. I did the sewing, and she did the decorating on the front of it with the logo of the group she has gone to see. Unfortunately, her part didn't go as planned, and she described to me how the fabric paint very nearly ruined the whole thing. But her quick thinking and panicked repair work fixed the problem, and when she sent a photo of her wearing the pseudo-cheerleading dress, I had no idea anything had gone wrong. She spent the afternoon playing in Hollywood, and it sounds like she is off to a great start.

The man took one last trip up to his mountain hideaway, to take the supplies he purchased for it up to store there, rather than in the garage of the house he is vacating. He was there all day long, ferrying up equipment (thankfully with the help of a neighbor's ATV) and setting things up. He sent back a few pictures of his work. I never did make it all the way up to his property, but I've gotten hundreds of gorgeous photos of it over the last year and a half. Considering how poorly I reacted to riding in a car in the mountains yesterday, it's probably best if I view the nearly-inaccessible-by-vehicles property just in pictures anyway. That's just as well, all things considered.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this place and you can definitely find me here for more events. I didn't eat anything when on my recent visit to these lofty spaces, but those around me had truffle fries, pizza, and wings all seemed to enjoy.
