Monday, October 30, 2017


Inspirational song: Christmas in Heaven (Monty Python)

It sure has been fun having Harvey around the house. Sure, I'm starting to get a lot of extra tiny scratches on my hands, and my toes have been bitten more in the last two days than in all of the last four years. I ran out of energy before I got the house cleaned up, so I've had to dig deep in my heart and accept that something I really like is going to be smashed or otherwise destroyed. As long as it's only inanimate objects that are damaged, I'll accept it as part and parcel of adopting a kitten.

The big news today was that the adult cats have made even more progress accepting the tiny beastie. Alfred has played with him repeatedly, even getting caught on camera once while Harvey was crawling in and out of the foam roller (spine adjustment tool). While we were watching the Broncos lose, Rabbit leaned over from where she slept on my lap, to sniff at Harvey against my knee, and she licked his ear. I didn't see her expression when she did it, so it's possible she made stink face and decided he tasted like poop. She didn't growl and the two of them are less than a meter apart right now, so I am calling that a win.

I didn't get enough down time yesterday. I slept a ton, yet today I stayed in bed until nearly 2 pm. I might have spent the entire day here had I not had a prospective tenant want to tour the still-vacant condo. At least I wasn't bored. I woke up early and turned on the news, and ever since I've been watching everyone digest the earth-shaking developments in national scandals. There's little I need to say about it at this point. Let's just say I did have popcorn for brunch.

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