Wednesday, October 25, 2017

No Time Like Now

Inspirational song: People Get Ready (Jeff Beck and Rod Stewart)

There were not enough hours in this week. I have less than 12 hours to finish triaging what absolutely must be done and what is going to have to go undone. I'm close on a lot of things, and miles away on others. Tomorrow morning I go to the brokerage office in Fort Collins, to participate in our fall quarterly volunteer project. I was supposed to contact my entire sphere group and raise donations for Homeless Gear, who provide outdoor survival equipment for homeless people. We are focusing on clothing and supplies for children from newborns up to children's size 16. We needed diapers, coats, socks, ski pants, and everything you can think of to keep homeless children alive during a Colorado winter. But I delayed sending out the emails with the lists. I was too overwhelmed and couldn't force myself to devote ten minutes to coming up with an email list and solicitation. So my daughter, foster daughter, and I went to Target this afternoon and filled up a shopping cart with as much as we could afford. I have to hope the other brokers had better luck, or more particularly better planning, than I. We are going to sort and prepare it all to take to Homeless Gear in the morning.

It was ridiculously hot today for late October. The highs in northern Colorado were in the low 80s. Things will change overnight. A cold front is supposed to come through and give us rain and maybe snow. I still have tons of flowers blooming up front - and I'm not kidding, there are bunches, not just the mums and other typical autumn flowers. I have roses and ice plant and blanket flowers. Bee balm is spreading far beyond the one spot at the front of the Unless Garden where it was planted. Lavender still looks good, and there are iris bulbs sending up buds right now. I don't think they'll survive the weekend. I probably should have prepared for the change in the weather, but there was no time.

I communicated with my older daughter, asking when she was leaving with the kittens she's bringing. She was waiting to leave until it cooled off a little, so that tiny babies aren't stressed by traveling in the SoCal heat wave. She said, "I don't think they understand that they only have 3 hours left with each other." I wanted to tell her to explain it to them, so they can say goodbye. I'm certainly emotionally ready to see my little Harvey for the first time since the end of August, but my house is nowhere near kitten proofed. Things are gonna break, and there's little I can do about it. Johnny Rzeznik is coming out here to be a barn cat with someone I've never met. I am having angst that he won't be big enough to survive a Colorado winter if he's put out into the barn too soon. He's a SoCal kitten. Is he ready for cold?

And on top of all of this I've been finishing the bookshelves for my other daughter and crocheting until waaaaaaaaaay past midnight every night to make a Dr Who scarf. I have enough pieces now that I can pull off my costume, at least well enough for a Rotary party tomorrow afternoon. As soon as that is over, I have to switch gears and start thinking about Homecoming at CU. I may even go to Mall Crawl in Boulder after that, for a second costume display. Pretty sure I'm not going to sleep until Sunday at the earliest. I am not ready for this level of activity. I'd rather get ready for bed and stay there.

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