Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Back in Public

Inspirational song: Sound of Silence (Simon & Garfunkel)

The ringing in my ears is always worst when I'm super tired. It's with me at all times, and has been since I was a teenager in marching band. When I went to rock concerts without ear protection, it was so loud afterwards that it kept me from sleeping and it hurt. On a night like tonight, it's just loud enough that I can't not think about it. I know it's a hundred percent resulting from fatigue.

I said yesterday I was getting stir crazy, and I can admit I was a little lonely. I went to Rotary today for lunch, knowing it was ambitious of me to try. I was tired just taking a shower and washing my hair. Brushing heavy snow off my car also burned up a spoon or two. I got a teensy bit dizzy while driving, but traffic was light enough (as usual) that I made it without a hiccup. Several people were surprised I made the attempt to be there, but the friend who knows me best wasn't at all. She said she knew I'd be there. I even ended up taking the notes for the newsletter, like the old days, because no one else was willing to fill in for the absent editarian. I managed to stay for the entire meeting (kinda had to in order to complete the notes), but it took a bit out of me. Stopping to get crickets on the way home was the icing on the cake. I was wiped out when I got home.

I spent the afternoon watching how-to videos on YouTube. I'd previously viewed crochet videos and a couple of other artistic media instructionals, so I let the AI suggest things for me. I let them autoplay for almost three hours while I recovered. Unfortunately for me, they were all the same painting technique, that looked super simple and stupidly fun. I had almost all the materials. I had to run up to Wal-Mart for a bottle of silicone lubricant and craft sticks, but everything else was mine. I say "run" to Wal-Mart. No. I parked close to the door. I lumbered slowly around the store. I was breathless by the time I got back to the car. I whined as I drove home. And when I got home, I scolded Murray for whining about being stuck in wheels while I was gone. I couldn't lift him out of his chariot, and he didn't like that. Thankfully the Mr rolled up as I was having this conversation with the dog, and he took care of him. He also failed to show surprised when I told him I think the last time one single lap around Wal-Mart tired me this badly, I was taking our oldest daughter there for her first outing in an infant carrier. (Said daughter is well into adulthood now.)

I made the art project sitting on my bed. I wasn't about to stress myself setting up at the table or in the craft room. It wasn't the most comfortable position, cross-legged on a mattress that desperately needs replacing (maybe once I'm back to working), but it was better than being in a chair. I'll go over the "art" I made tomorrow, once the paint is dry, assuming I'm happy with the final product.

1 comment:

  1. Ears Ringing= "Ring tones from your Spiritual Telephone...
