Sunday, April 28, 2019


Inspirational song: Truckin' (Grateful Dead)

I almost made it through a whole day without anything at all for pain. By the time I sat down to watch Game of Thrones, I needed a couple Tylenol, and at the very end of it, I felt like I needed to go back on the narcotics (I didn't though). I will not, will not, will NOT give any spoilers, but at the end one of my top three favorite characters (currently number one) did an incredibly badass heroic move, and I forgot who I was for a second. I raised both arms above my head, hands fisted, and screamed "Yes!" I immediately realized what I had done, and regretted my exuberance for the rest of the night. I noticed when I got home from T's and started getting ready for bed that I have a little scab showing under the steri-strips, and the end of the seam is more of a corner than I remembered it being. I hope it's just a sign of the bandaging wearing out and healing beginning, not of me doing anything stupid over the most awesomest GoT character of all. I have a week before my follow-on visit with the surgeon, and I meet the oncologist later that same Monday, so I'll have to wait to know whether I've erred significantly. Until then, let's assume not. And even if I goofed, maybe the physical therapist can get me back on track to heal around the lymph node that I tugged on with my double fist-pump.

It was so beautiful around the Park today. I even went outside for an extended walkabout (the yard, not any farther). My Lady of Shalott rose has been planted, next to the garden shed. The Sugar Moon rose is showing signs of struggling after being moved to the new fishpond bed, so I can't say for sure it will survive the transplant. I now have two miniature roses to go in the ground as well, but they will have to wait until we can dig in the front. That's not going to be tomorrow. As beautiful as today was, warm and sunny, it's going to be that brisk tomorrow. Dark clouds rolled in while the Mr was digging up raspberry volunteers that were outside of the pen where they live, and a strong breeze picked up. By the time I'm done with my coffee tomorrow, snow should be arriving. They say never plant before Mother's Day out here. It's still true.

I failed to check the mail yesterday, so I didn't know until tonight that my sister-in-law sent me a lovely card. The message on it was about life's journey and how the unexpected detours we make are still all the same trip. No kidding. I think my life is all detours and zero planned waypoints. Maybe that's why I've always had trouble coming up with a five-year plan, when I was asked to. I have never imagined I'd know where I'd be that far out, or even if I would still be around to make decisions for myself. At least it's been interesting, this long, strange trip.

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