Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Price to Pay

Inspirational song: I Believe (Book of Mormon)

It's not fun being right about things like this. I could tell as it was happening yesterday how much damage I was doing by trying to stay in that high school auditorium long past the point of fatigue and pain. I knew I'd be a worthless jellyfish today. I just didn't realize to what extreme that gelatinous lingering pain and fatigue would hit me. I have felt like my veins were on fire all day, every muscle I am capable of feeling has been full of lactic acid, and I have fallen asleep about thirteen times, if you count every time I nodded off in my chair and the time I sort of slipped out of consciousness in the hot tub.

I took all sorts of things for pain last night. Nothing worked. I had none today. There was no difference.

I started the day with three goals: clean the kitchen, make beef stew, and watch Game of Thrones. I said I would feel victorious with 2.5/3. I sort of did that, although I made more of a mess making stew than I cleaned at the time.

I do not believe this is a spoiler when I say I feel exceptionally cheated by not having a Ser Jorah Mormont / Lady Lyanna Mormont confrontation. I really wanted to hear what the spunky tween would have to say about the disgraced former heir to her house. Ah, well. There was a lot set up, and I'm excited about the rest of the season.

I'm just glad the show is over and I'm home again, and can try once more to sleep off the soreness from yesterday's meeting.

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