Saturday, August 24, 2019

Put the Transmission in D

Inspirational song: Love Is a Battlefield (Pat Benatar)

Things picked up steam as the day rolled on. I’m not at 100% yet, but I’m not at zero anymore either. I’m too smart to get up and pretend everything is normal and I can race around again. But I’m able to carry on conversations without getting breathless and I’m alert enough to sort out mildly complex planning issues. Big win.

I don’t know where to place most of the credit for the improvement over the course of the day. Could be what I said had to happen, just wait until my bone marrow started cranking out white blood cells again. Could also have been boosted when, in the middle of a conversation with my foster daughter, I realized it had been almost a month since I took my twice-weekly mega dose of prescription vitamin D. I got up mid-sentence and grabbed it from the medicine cabinet. I have a long way to go to get back on regular meds, but this could help me a little in the short term.

I was blessed with lots of company in various types of connections. Foster daughter stayed until mid-afternoon, and was a tremendous help with things like feeding me, getting me water, doing dishes, and vacuuming. Plus, she was just very pleasant company. One of my long-time Colorado friends popped in for a few minutes in between appointments, and that was a lovely interlude. I was supposed to meet up with an old friend I’ve known since at least 8th grade, but she was having vehicle problems, and we are hoping to reschedule for tomorrow. And then, out of the blue, one of my BFFs who just moved out of state this summer called to say she had brought her kids down for a whirlwind visit with all of their besties before school starts, and it was short notice but could she drop in for coffee early tomorrow morning. My answer was “of course,” and I immediately set an alarm for so early even the cats won’t be demanding breakfast yet. It’s still kind of exhausting but damn, if being the belle of the ball doesn’t feel good right about now.

My final visitors of the day were my daughter and later her husband who came to give her a ride home. We have a new D&D campaign starting in a little over a week, and they hadn’t even made up their characters yet. My daughter’s has a big secret that only I and her dad know, so she spent hours with us tonight, rolling up stats and figuring out how certain mechanics will work. I’m doubly glad I spent all those hours during my down time watching YouTube videos, because I was able to come up with the right questions to ask for how to make her abilities fit into the rule structure, and I had the vocabulary to explain to her what certain attributes and skills meant in plain English. She desperately wants to give the secret away, and when her husband arrived I had to encourage her to hold out just a week and a half more. I kind of think she’ll give it away before then, but it is so incredibly unique, I can’t blame her for wanting to brag.

I guess if I’m having coffee at dawn, it’s time to put away the rule books spread across my lap and go to bed. Alfred will appreciate it. He’s wanted that lap for hours and it was too crowded for him. I've been getting lots of accusing stares over it.

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