Saturday, June 13, 2020

Drop Off

Inspirational song: Please Mr. Postman (The Marvelettes)

For a day that didn't get all that hot, I'm dragging my tail this evening like I spent all day in the sun. Who forgot to put me on the charger last night? And since misery loves company, I'm content to report that I wasn't the only one with no spring in their step today. The Mr was supposed to take the dogs up for an extended stay at the cabin, and instead they all stayed right here. They are expecting to do a single overnight tomorrow, which will surely be enough for all of them.

I did leave the house briefly today. I went downtown and deposited my primary ballot in the drop box next to the DMV. This is the first time so far that I haven't waited until the week it was due, so that I could drive it past the volunteers who sit outside the courthouse and give you the "I Voted" sticker. I love those stickers more than an adult should, but I wear them every year as a badge of honor. This time, I'll just be glad to get off of the text lists once they scan my ballot and update the system. I've known who I supported for months, but the texts keep coming. "Hi, this is [name] from the [candidate] campaign. Can we count on your support..." 

If I had energy, I might once again extol the virtues of all mail-in voting, for every registered citizen. It's amazing. I think it is stupid and dishonest of anyone who argues against it. It is safe and secure, and it has to be cheaper than all other options. But I'm too tired to go there tonight. You're off the hook for now. You won't escape it forever.

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