Friday, June 26, 2020

Part Two

Inspirational song: Travelling By Steam (Fairport Convention)

What are the chances that the old crappy steam mop I bought a decade ago still exists in a box, somewhere in my garage? I've moved four times since then, so I believe it is possible. I really did myself a disservice getting that cheap, inefficient mop back then. It was hard to use, so I stopped trying fairly quickly, and never learned how nice steamed floors feel on bare feet. Wasted years.

I made myself wait to shower and dress until I had fully finished cleaning the bathroom to the point where I could use that steam mop. I forced myself to do all the higher level cleaning first, so that the floors were last. This translated to me working from about 10 this morning until 8 this evening, before I finally got to clean my own self. I took breaks from the bathroom to tackle a few other tasks, and to lie on the bed and swear foully aloud when my muscles screamed at me. I completed the whole room except the ceiling (I can't work over my head without passing out), and put up a new shower curtain and rug. It's amazing that one tiny room can take up so much time and energy.

I still haven't finished the bedroom. There are three horizontal surfaces that are still ridiculously cluttered. Sadly, the worst part of all three are the piles of medical bills. They are all paid, but I am afraid to throw the papers out. I can't just dump them in the recycle bin. They need to be shredded. But what if I need to refer to them? (I don't believe I ever really will, but it's still hard to let go.)

I will try to make a third stab at deep cleaning tomorrow. The first pass with the steam mop didn't make a dent on the stained grout in the kitchen today. I'm going to have to hit one of the hardware stores and get a case of grout pens. Tile covers more than two thirds of this storey of the house. I'm going to hate this part.

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