Tuesday, June 9, 2020

First Girl Trip

Inspirational song: Get Together (The Youngbloods)

Just this once, when I say I am chronically low on spoons, I am not speaking metaphorically, or using the language of chronic illness. I mean literally, I can never find a clean spoon. Not only do we stir a lot of milky coffee in this house, and consume a larger than average amount of stews and chilis, but I live with a guy who eats a heaping spoonful of peanut butter at least once a day, and he is a genius at walking away from the kitchen and leaving spoons in weird places, like on the patio table. That bay in the silverware drawer is always empty. I had to do something about it.

I convinced my daughter it was time to test out the baby seat in my car. It has been in there for more than a month, but a tiny person had not touched it until today. I took both girls, mother and daughter, with me to Bed Bath and Beyond and the pet stores. Their stroller base works with the removable seat, so we loaded everyone and everything and set out. I missed going OFO with my daughter, and it was wonderful getting most of the way back to our old habits. It takes more planning, but it was everything I hoped for. And that stroller... man, how did I raise kids without a modular miracle like that? Why did I fail to purchase whatever similar setup was available almost 30 years ago? It made things smooth and easy.

I like heavy silverware with simple lines. There were a ton of open stock pieces right up front, for a quite reasonable price. I got the sizes I intended to, big soup spoons and little ice cream spoons. And then I couldn't stop myself. I got two tiny baby spoons. Val isn't going to be able to weild them for more than a year, but they are here and ready for when she is big enough to use them herself and will care that she has something that matches what the grownups are holding.

We shopped at two major chain pet stores to get everything we needed. We got cat supplies and crickets at one, and then at the other I finally got the two fish I needed (plecostomuses? plecostomi?). We were out long enough that everyone needed a snack, including sitting in the shade with the car running for a/c while the baby was fed. For a kid who had been super fussy all morning (so I was told), she sure was a charming companion while she was out with us. 

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